sure, everyone is familiar with monet's wife adorning
the red kimono and gesturing her fan, and standing on the hill, several times, with the para- sol; you've probably seen van gogh's copying,
transliterating, japanese prints; we've seen whistler's portrait in the peacock room
(see in japonisme links, below) but have we seen this one, also nearly an exact reproduction, save for style?
(the title of the piece is 'variations in flesh colour and green: the balcony.' in 1889 harper's called it, 'a japanese fantasy realized on the banks of the grey thames.')

and there are many other impressionists, american and euopean, who followed this trend, and we'll see more of them in an ongoing way.

of course it must be said: japan-inspired clothing became the rage as well, so to some extent, the painters were painting what they saw. on the other hand, some painters kept a kimono in the studio for use with whichever model. when you see the same robe in two paintings, two different models, that's what you're seeing.
(i also find myself wondering if the hairstyles are fashioned after the japanese as well.)
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