robert doisneau

nevertheless, it's an interesting glimpse, this photo, into some of the effect this 'nouveau' movement might have been having on the not-so-nouveau people.
(Exposition de ses photos parisiennes à l'Hotel de ville, jusqu'au 17 février 2007 (salle St-Jean / rue Lobeau / tous les jours sauf dimanches et fêtes de 10h à 19h) : un grand plongeon dans le Paris des années 50-70, vu par Doisneau.)
It's a photography of Robert Doisneau, it's not from a film.
He took it in the seventies.
I like it very much :-)
Robert Doisneau took many pictures of Paris, in black and white, in the 50/60/70ties. I like his look(regard), "sociological with tenderness"!!
Oups, sorry! I made a mistake...
He took this photo in 1948 :-)
thanks for the clarification, nathako!
Whenever the picture was taken, the story it conveys is timeless!
excellent point, david. it's really magic in that way.
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