is it true what they say about hats?

As the 19th century drew to a close the hats got big enough to use as fire buckets... (more)
immense, yard-wide hats, laden with plumes and feathers or with basket-loads of artificial flowers... (more)
(left: edouard vuillard, georges de feure, utagawa kuniyoshi, and again kuniyoshi. right: not known yet, kunisada utagawa, jules-alexandre grun, gabriele munter.)
Labels: fashion, gabriele munter, georges defeure, hats, jules-alexandre grun, Kunisada Utagawa, Kuniyoshi Utagawa, vuillard
Thanks for your visit and kind comment,i am sorry that you canceled the origenal posted for dancing,but i still very happy to read this new text and wonderful illustrations.
As Ukiyo-e (浮世絵),Japan's hair style and the beauty of neck curve also far-reaching impact in Europe trendy. I would like to introduce you an outstanding blog:Des Chapeaux
Wish you will like it! :)
Good luck
thanks, harlequin! the only reason i didn't include pita's wonderful blog is because it seemed to me it mostly dealt with much more recent chapeaux!
don't know if you saw this post. i think in this current post, even the shape of the fur on the back of the neck might be a sign of influence as well--what do you think?
the only reason i took that dancing post down was because it seemed to freeze my blog every time. but then it still froze until i removed another one, and that seemed to have fixed it, so maybe i'll try re-posting the dancing one....
Thank you lotusgreen:
"the influence of sight"is great!i agree with you!! thanks again, i'll introduce your blog to my friends.
I love the "folie bergères" and Japan style association :)
Lotusgreen, that "not known yet" image on the top right is truly splendid. I don't know how to explain the aesthetic of Japanese woodblock prints, but they seem to have a purer form of excellent design than any other art form.
Hi Japonisme,
I like this hat and hair blog. It made me laugh and think about my favorite burgundy beret, that I won't be parted from. There was a boy on American Idol (yes, I confess I watched it) who had a very shocking, and outrageous hairstyle last week. I think that hair (or lack of) plays a large role in youthful rebellion.
thanks again harlequin-- i'm delighted!
Clandestina--yeah--aren't they fascinating!
david--yeah--the balance of space is remarkable, isn't it? you still see it, like in ads from japan, the center is far less often the focus than are the edges. i wonder what that says about the two national psyches....
meanwhile, i'll keep looking!
Lotusgreen, I just followed your flickr link and your photographs are amazing. The poppies, the cats- so sorry about Robert. I lost a Persian named, Isabella a while back and still miss her. I feel really fortunate that I found your space.
princess--oh i know hair was a big thing for us; i'm of the "Hair" generation, you know, the dawning of the age of aquarius. :^)
and now the new thing is bald, eh?
Last year I found a 1910 (2nd edition) copy of Madame Chrysantheme, by Pierre Loti in a turn-around store in Berkeley. Unfortunately, it doesn't have any illustrations but other than some discoloration of the cover, is in great shape.
princess-- oh--one of your comments slipped in while i was answering.
thank you. once again you really have touched my heart.
i used to publish a magazine, and it seems to me that i published a translation of a chapter of that. i think i have seen some illustrations for it...? do you read french?
that, and john long's madame butterfly, they were all influential at the time, as i recall, to fan those mikado flames.
I wish that I did read, French and if I hadn't slacked off after college could. I am thinking of renewing my efforts.
david--it's from an ebon (notebook) (not sure how that's different from manga) credited to watanabe seitei-- though there are often several artists in one notebook, and they';re not always signed, as i understand it.
check it out here.
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hi, and thanks so much for stopping by. i spend all too much time thinking my own thoughts about this stuff, so please tell me yours. i thrive on the exchange!
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