klimt & fashion

lily, i have a question for you: have you ever done an entry on the schwestern floge -- emile floge and her sister? i am very interested in the clothes they made for their shop but have had very little success trying to find images of their couture. you seem to have the most amazing library maybe you have pictures of their creations?
well, you were right, and thank you for a very interesting day of research! here's what i've pieced together today, and i'll quote some websites too. first, i went through all of my books -- something like seven -- books on that one period, and found something like three photos in a book about koloman moser, and fewer, if any, in the rest.
but reading the books, then spending a lot of happy if occasionally frustrating hours on the internet, i learned a lot of interesting things. regarding her designs, i found only one reference to her designing (the dress in her painted portrait), and having read all the rest, i wasn't sure i believed that.
i think the situation was this: he designed the fabric, and suggested structure in the paintings, and perhaps she turned them into actual clothes. the dress in the above photo is definitely credited to him. the artists in japan designed clothing in much the same way, and i think this is yet another example of the influence of the east.

The pattern on the dress is inspired by Japanese stencil techniques and Byzantine mosaics. Emerging casually and gracefully from a mysterious blue-tinged background, Emilie Flöge is silhouetted by the unusual ornamental fan. Klimt's first introduction of the ornamented backgrounds that would become so familiar in his later portraits. In addition, Emilie's beltless dress heralds the appearance of more liberal clothing fashions that will encourage greater freedom for both body and art - very much in the spirit of the call by the Viennese Secession for more creativity in all aspects of the decorative arts. Klimt cared deeply for his sister-in-law Emilie Flöge, a feeling that combined affection with mutual respect for their respective artistic talents. This personal connection was responsible for the portrait's becoming part of the Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien's collection in 1908. 1

an interesting website that looks at some of this is here. as you can see, there are contradictions everywhere. the link for #2 above is a really rich, comprehensive website. and for me, i think i'll see if the library has that book!
Labels: emilie floge, fashion, klimt
I had no idea of course as did anyone else. Once again Lotus rains visual knowledge down upon the masses. :)
I have heard about three blogs getting book deals lately, Lotus, and won't be surprised when you become one of them.
thanks, princess.
re a book.... i've actually done five books before and all i can say is this: it's a lot of work! :^)
thankyou so much for a day of research, you are amazing.
isn't is odd that the fashion house/dress shop "schwestern floge" apparently existed for 30 years and there is almost no documentation of the work that came from that atelier?
i can only imagine how wonderful the clothes, and fabrics, must have been.
yeah, and so little mention of her sister too.... well, the good news is that the library does have that book, so i'll see what it has, and also, now that i'm thinking of it, i'll look for some others on that subject too. and will report back.
Are you going to tell? BTW I will be in Berkeley soon. It took me longer than I thought to get over the cough I had. I didn't want you to think I wasn't looking for the CD you mentioned. Soon..
Klimt painted 3 portraits of emile floge. Her first at 17, then 19 and of course her most famous one at 28.
They probably did have a relationship when the 3rd portrait was painted, as her gaze is directly at the viewer which refers to her sexuality.
The younger portraits of emile floge contrasts against her sexuality as she does not engage with the viewer or even shows any of her personality.
Whether they had a relation
ship or not, emile grew up to be a strong woman who knew what she wanted.
This is very interesting. Thank you ! I will have a look on the book you quote...
thank you!
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