at least that's what the polish/ english translator said
przy zielonej herbacie translated as. whatever it means, and despite the fact that i can understand none of it, i often find something delightful there.

clearly sharing issues with this blog, i find artists, perspectives, new to me, no matter how well- known they are in poland. this artist is featured on stamps, money, street names, and schools, and yet is new to me. you too? thanks again, internet. and thanks, green tea.
the woman to the left is Irena Solska; and both of these are by Stanisław
hallo :)
i'm glad you like my blog - yours is very interesting and i enjoy every new post you place here :)
thank you barbara! i am grateful to learn about artists i would never learn about without your blog.
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hi, and thanks so much for stopping by. i spend all too much time thinking my own thoughts about this stuff, so please tell me yours. i thrive on the exchange!
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