Brilliant moon,
is it true that you too
must pass in a hurry?
is it true that you too
must pass in a hurry?

Above the veil
of mist, from time to time
there lifts a sail.

to see the moon
whose solemn pace
marks yet only midnight.

Kisa Lagoon--
the morning sun rising
autumn dusk

Brother of W. Corwin Chase. The brothers taught themselves the art of the color woodcut in the mid 1920's using Frank Morley Fletcher's manual and produced magnificent color woodblocks for only about ten years.
Labels: alvin coburn, bashô, gakoku, henri riviere, hiroshi yoshida, issa, poetry, waldo chase
you have some beautiful work on your blog, pretty amazing
thanksQ i'm glad you think so. and thanks for stopping by
i love Alvin Langdon Coburn's artwork( i'm not sure that is photo or not),it reminds me some of your photography,i think you have same characteristics.
you are very kind to say so, hp, and yes--it's hard to tell it's a photo!
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hi, and thanks so much for stopping by. i spend all too much time thinking my own thoughts about this stuff, so please tell me yours. i thrive on the exchange!
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