max klinger was born in leipzig and was consi- dered a surrealist for his visually and psycho- logically complex images. he worked in all media, including etching, painting, and scupture, to equal success.

gertrude kasebier was an american painter who turned to photography in her late thirties. she was a founding member of the photo- secession movement which brought to photography the same values as had been brought to all of the other arts, crafts, philosophies, etc.

ninko tsukioka was known for his work in sosaku hanga style, around the beginning of the twentieth century.

shinji ando was born in 1960, and studied art at the tokyo national university of fine arts and music.
Labels: gertrude kasebier, max klinger, ninko tsukioka, photography, shinji ando
"Comme de longs échos qui de loin se confondent"
"Dans une ténébreuse et profonde unité"
i love these!especially Gertrude's work.
i'm so glad to hear that
i have found this whole movement of photographers just waiting for me to find them (as many others have) so i'll probably be talking about that a lot in coming days
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