shadow, reflection, perspective

The crisis of tradition early in the twentieth century — signaled by the collapse of perspective in painting and tonality in music and evident in the explosive ferment of the avant-garde movements — opened a new stage of modern art, which aesthetic theory is still struggling to comprehend. David Roberts situates the current aesthetic and cultural debates in a wider historical frame which extends from Hegel and the German Romantics to Lukács and Adorno, Benjamin and Baudrillard. Art and Enlight- enment: Aesthetic Theory after Adorno is the first detailed analysis in English of Theodor Adorno’s seminal Philosophy of Modern Music, which can be seen as a turning point between modern and postmodern art and theory.
Adorno's diagnosis of the crisis of modernist values points back to Hegel's thesis of the end of art and also forward to the postmodernist debate. Thus the paradoxes of Adorno’s negative aesthetics return to haunt the current discussion by representatives of the second generation of the Frankfurt School, Anglo-American Marxism, and French poststructuralism. Going beyond Adorno's dialectic of musical enlightenment, Roberts proposes an alternative model of the enlightenment, of art applied to literature and exemplified in the outline of a theory of parody. In its critique of Adorno, Art and Enlightenment clears the way for a reconsideration of twentieth-century artistic theory and practice and also, in offering a model of postmodern art, seeks to disentangle critical issues in the discussion of the avant-garde, modernism, and postmodernism. 1
Labels: henri riviere, louis rhead, mela kohler
I would love to ride the sailboat in the pink sea. Lovely post, Lotusgreen.
i would like to thank you once again, your blog always provided lot of excellent information, It's the best provisions of my soul. i read every article and brilliant illustrations of your blog, but my English is lousy, I can not fully express my inner emotion.i must tell you, i have learn a lot of things from your blog,and i also enjoy the comments of your message board, especially the dialogue of you and princess haiku .
i like the paintings of Henri Riviere, but this one I have not seen before,it's a terrific work!
i recently read Japanese costume designer Emi Wada's album "My Life in the Making" (ISBN 988-97698-5-9), a terrific book, perhaps you may interest to read.
thank you princess. i have shot the bay when it was pink, but not ridden on it.
harlequin--thank you so much. now, you might feel like it is difficult to express the deepest things in english, but i always find your english to be wonderful! and nobody makes judgements here because everybody is from a different country!
but you see--even if one is a native english speaker it is difficult to express inner emotions.
i wrote a long post asking about your work on your blog, but now i can't find it so i don't know if you ever answered!
thanks for mentioning that book--i'll look for it!
i am sorry! i checked the message board of my blog from the beginning of April, but i can't find your long post and issues. Normally, i will reply in your blog,if any question.i guess i missed your comment.
Should not be the PATTERN LANGUAGE that one?
how frustrating--now i have to remember what i wrote and try again! thank you for checking.
now, i'm not perfectly clear what you referring to in your last comment...? but if you were asking, i don't think that was in there, but i don't remember perfectly at all!
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hi, and thanks so much for stopping by. i spend all too much time thinking my own thoughts about this stuff, so please tell me yours. i thrive on the exchange!
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