the woman's boat

She Who has a being
named She Who is a being
named She Who carries her own name.

She Who marks her own way, gathering.
She Who makes her own difference.
She Who differs, gathering her own events.

She Who gathers, gaining
She Who carries her own ways,
gathering She Who waits,
bearing She Who cares for her

bears, gathering She Who cares
for She Who gathers her own ways
the names of She Who gather and gain,

the woman -- I am the first person.
and the first person is She Who is the first person to
She Who is the first person to no other. There is no

She Who floods like a river and
like a river continues
She Who continues
Judy Grahn
Labels: frederick frieseke, harunobu suzuki, judy grahan, no on 8, sir john lavery, toni childs, william carqueville, yoshitoshi Taiso
Bonjour Lotusgreen .
Magnifique message; beaucoup de douceur se dégage de ces images.
A bientôt...:)
Marvelous post, Lotus. This last painting is wonderful.
pignouf--je suis heureux que tu les aime --merci
you know what, willow? she looks like you!, don't you think?
This post is beautiful to tears.
Magnifique blog! Bravo! Quelle belle passion!
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oh princess-- your heart is so receptive
why thank you bcg! and yes of course there are available feeds--i believe people usually use the little symbol in the address line on top.
Lovely post. The third image of the woman holding her sleeve in her teeth so it doesn't get wet , is a priceless detail.
thank you dominic-- how observant you are and keen in attribution
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hi, and thanks so much for stopping by. i spend all too much time thinking my own thoughts about this stuff, so please tell me yours. i thrive on the exchange!
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