yesterday i went through all 968 posts and put the label 'detective' on all of them that did what this post and yesterday's try to do. if you see any that should be marked, or unmarked, please let me know.

to the left and below we have the utamaro image that eventually may have cost him his freedom, and then his life. next the kunisada print, done perhaps in homage. we've seen them before. at the top, though, is a new one to me... apparently jail didn't stop utamaro.

i'll let you know if i find that bird again.

the red rose girls again impress us with their hip-ness, as elizabeth shippen green has volume 4 of artistic japan propping up the child's chessboard.

maybe some day i'll be able to id some of those other books. this one, i happened to have.

and manuel robbe does it again, though in the reference print, the other print is reversed!

i'm certain that many of his prints feature reference prints of his other works; i'll let you know if i figure any more.
i was realizing the other day that i seem to have passed into a different phase. i'm no longer hunting for that print by arthur wesley dow or bjo nordfeldt that i've never seen. there aren't any more.
but now my head is filled with files which allow this kind of connections to click in my brain. so to see some similar posts from earlier in the blog-life, click:
DETECTIVE(and ps--i've got a lot more in the wings) Labels: detective, elizabeth shippen-green, Kunisada Utagawa, manuel robbe, Utamaro Kitagawa
I hate to sound ignorant but what about that print would cost Utamaro his life? Is it some sort of political satire? Good luck on the organization project! I take so many photos and save so many files that I realized early on I have to categorize them - but then, as a Virgo rising, I am pretty compulsive about organizing. I even have my clothes organized by color but don't tell anybody. They might think I'm strange. Ahem........
No nuance, of course. Zola by Manet as well of course. Fascinating chapter!d
1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/lotusgreen/4131035415/in/set-72157603171441280/ and i have scorpio rising, no earth whatsoever.
2.utamaro: http://lotusgreenfotos.blogspot.com/2006/09/tale-of-peacocks-part-1.html
Ramon Gaya, 'Hommage to Takanobu'.(and others)d
Suzanne Valadon,'Marie Cola et sa fille Gilberte',1913. Background left, mirror image of 'Rehearsal of a Ballet on Stage' Degas,1874.d
cool!! thanks for the both! this is a fun game!
Tsugouharu Leonard Foujita,'Mon Intérieur, Paris,nature morte à l'accordéon',1922. 'Les degrés des âges', lithographie J.F. Wentzel,in the catalogue "Des Mondes de Papier. Imagerie populaire de Wissembourg".d
thanks, d. i couldn't find the wentzel. it is a joke? how did you know about it? how did you find it? could it be that your brain also works like mine?
You'll find a few variations by taping Les degrés des âges. His company made many. The very one is mentioned there(Google): /Welten aus papier. Die Weissenburger Bilderbogen Pressemappe Fujita/. The first part is in german, the second in french, page 11 of 16. Presscontact: julie.barth@cus.strasburg.net
Let me know.d
welten aus papier. die weissenburger bilderbogen pressemappe FOUJITA. on google (I think I wrote previously fUjita, sorry.)
d-- first, both i and google knew what you meant. but i have to admit that i am confused, now, even when you speak english! i'm not even sure what it is i'm now supposed to look up! help!
You found the bilingual article about the exhibit in Strasburg dedicated to the Wentzel imagery. Page 11 of this article it says in french: "By reproducing Les degrés des âges which is hanging in his room in Mon intérieur,1922(MNAM Centre Pompidou -pe dooo), Foujita pays to him (=to Wentzel)a great tribute". The picture of the original Wentzel degrés des âges Foujita painted is in the catalogue of this exhib. Julie Barth has the cat. Etsi kai etsi.
Salvador Dali,"Gala and the Angelus of Millet before the imminent arrival of the comical anamorphoses",1933 and Millet,"The Angelus"+ Angelus brand macaroni advertisement 1920, gettyimages.com
thanks as always, yoli.
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