is it easy?

A frog leapt into --
List, the water sound!
--Yone Noguchi

Ah! le vieil etang!
Et le bruit de l'eau
Ou saute la grenouille!
--Michel Revon

A frog leaps in;
The sound of the water!
--Minoru Toyoda

Into an old pond
A frog took a sudden plunge,
Then is heard a splash
--Inazo Nitobe
these translations are from here. yone noguchi we already talked about with regards to the friendship he had with yeats. michel revon was among the earliest french poets to become enamoured with and influenced by haiku and other forms of japanese poetry.
(outtakes here)
Labels: haiku, inazo nitobe, maurice denis, michel revon, minoru toyoda, yone noguchi
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