japonisme in the land of the pueblo (etc.) III

about 30 years ago i took a book out of the library about american indian paintings. (and please, let me say here, that though it makes absolutely no sense to me that after hundreds of years of realizing that north america was in fact not india, we still call them that -- except for in wee pockets like berkeley, where i live, in which on october 14th, when many of the rest of you in the states are 'celebrating' columbus day, we're observing indigenous peoples day -- the native americans in fact call themselves indians, which is easier than naming all the nations every time one wishes to refer to them... but still -- that's why i use that word).

but still, the relationships between the ancient japanese through to the present-day indian images are striking. How could this have happened?
(andy tsihnajinnie is navajo, chikanobu is japanese, simon bussy is french, allan houser is navajo, quincy tahoma is navajo, rick bartow is Wiyot, toshi yoshida is japanese, robert bonfils is french, and c. szwedzicki is the french publisher of works by american indians. a compilation is here.)
Labels: allan houser, andy tsihnajinnie, c szwedzicki, Chikanobu Toyohara, quincy tahoma, rick bartow, rick bonfils, sam bussy, toshi yoshida
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