japonisme: les fleurs de mal

02 March 2007

les fleurs de mal

'contemporary criticism of [charles] meunier was mixed.

although most observers found him talented, innovative, and instinctive, he offended contemporary bibliophiles by producing vast numbers of covers containing emblematic and pictorial themes, often thought to be gaudy and crudely executed commercial ventures pandering to the tastes of the period's bourgeoisie.

his output was prodigious and he moved with ease between styles and periods, a fact which further offended purists who felt that his talent lay primarily in the creation of half-bindings with decorative spines.'

-- art nouveau and art deco bookbinding, duncan & de bartha

this story sounds sadly familiar....

also, it should be noted, i was unable to find anywhere what if any relationship existed between charles meunier and henri meunier.

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Blogger Diane Dehler said...

The top book cover is lovely but the others a bit much. I haven't read any Baudelaire in a long time and think I will pull my old copy of Les Fleurs de Mal off the shelf. It has a much more prosaic cover than the one you have posted.

05 March, 2007 22:39  
Blogger lotusgreen said...

i'm sure that the text doesn't mind a bit. ;^)

06 March, 2007 22:45  

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