a sad little piece
so i came across this lovely set by franz karl devilla in a book. since i have a less-than-stellar scanner that i finally got off craigslist, and i'm not all that stellar at scanning myself, i went off to see if it existed online. and lo and behold -- someone seems to be scanning in that
very book (for a class, i think).
very book (for a class, i think).

a little goat was bought by the little father.
then came the little fox and ate the little goat,

then came the little stick and beat the little dog,

then came the little butcher and slaughtered the little ox,

then came the little water and put out the little fire.

Labels: franz karl devilla, wiener werkstatte
Traurig aber schoen, wie das Lied "Alla Fiera dell'Est", Angelo Branduardi (1976). Noch eine Ueberraschung von dir! d
Dies Buch enthaelt handgedruckte Holz Schnitte von Franz Delavilla, Wien 1906
"This book contains handprinted woodcuts from Franz Delavilla. Vienna, 1906."
It's the title page with author & publ. info.
combien langs parle tu??! toute, je croix!
et,comme toujour, tu aussi arrive avec une cadieux.
merci, M! une autre cadieux!
Pas toutes, rassure-toi. Ton site est un carrefour de plaisirs. d
thanks, yoli-- and not a parrot in sight! ;^)
d-- quelle merveilleuse turn of phrase!
just going to flog an old idea as a question/observation- What is it that determines what appeals to us aesthetically? I'm a child of the 60's & &0's, yet the art I find most appealing seems to be secessionist & symbolist art from the turn of the century...these days more toward the graphic/illustrative arts (like this stuff). To me, semi-absurd as the story is (though it's kind of "There was an old woman who swallowed a fly..."-ish), the art has an simplicity & elegance lost these days under layers of digital manipulations.
yeah--we'vetalked about this before. i don't know why it's this moment in time that also grabs me, and always has.
thank god, on my part, anyway, for the 60s revival of art nouveau, which to me was introduced by a pack of decorated matchboxes in a little gift store -- with pictures by beardsley on them!
what was i just thinking the other day about that thinking about 'art nowadays'? hmmmm... maybe it was that part of the appeal is the medium itself-- the look of a colored woodcut still gets to me, though the intentions of the artists are no longer in that brand new space of experimenting with what has been learned from the japanese.
there's more, i know, but i can't remember right now. i'll get back to you when i remember it.
It's a Hebrew song; we sign it on passover. None of us like it very much, although this version excludes the bit about punishing a child.
you're kidding! i never came across it at any seder i ever went to. though it certainly has that 'it would havebeen enough" sort of pattern, so i can see it being sung in that context.
but what's its point?
thanks lawrence!
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