earth day
the reason this fact is so notable
besides, of course, all the regular reasons,
is that i first heard about him, even saw a film about him,
40 years ago... today.
i had to double- and triple-check to believe my eyes --
that the one time i look him up is the day he dies.

but i get ahead of myself.
If you're going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear
some flowers in your hair
If you're going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet
some gentle people there
For those who come
to San Francisco
will be a love-in there
In the streets of San Francisco
Gentle people
with flowers in their hair
All across the nation
such a strange vibration
People in motion
There's a whole generation
with a new explanation
People in motion people in motion
For those who come to San Francisco
Be sure to wear
some flowers in your hair
If you come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there
If you come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there
skip to one day early in 1971, i began to hear commercials on the then very cool KSAN, fm radio. they were for this thing called, "World Game," a series of workshops, and classes and discussions, all about ways to make the world work, a brainchild of R. Buckminster Fuller.•

Be sure to wear
some flowers in your hair
If you're going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet
some gentle people there

to San Francisco
will be a love-in there
In the streets of San Francisco
Gentle people
with flowers in their hair

such a strange vibration
People in motion
There's a whole generation
with a new explanation
People in motion people in motion

Be sure to wear
some flowers in your hair
If you come to San Francisco
Summertime will be a love-in there

Summertime will be a love-in there
and so i went. the first commune i lived in was called "free city," wherein among many other things, a young man named David Lloyd-Jones transcribed, printed up, and circulated a speech by R. Buckminster Fuller. he, like so many others of that moment, could see further into the future than many republicans can see to this day. he could see that it was a world of abundance, and that it could be made to work for every soul on the planet.

the sources of all this power: tidal, solar, and wind. it's all there; it's just not hooked up right.
to the left is his Dymaxion Map (or Globe). Bucky believed that to view the planet from this perspective, not only was it more accurate, but it also relieved the viewer from having to try to figure out what's up. for, of course, there is no up, or down for that matter. only in and out.
very quickly we students formed a gang, and did all and sundry things. we dropped acid and had profound discussions out on the grass. we had massive thanksgiving dinners in a Russian Hill mansion someone had donated for the duration.

and, forty years ago today, we went to University of California at Davis's first Whole Earth Festival, held on the very first Earth Day. it was concerts, and dancers, and craftspeople and lectures and yoga and huge "Om" circles and so much more.

she sold earrings she had made with feathers from her parrot; i still have one green feather earring today.
and there was the Fairfax Street Choir (hear them here).
singing full-of-light songs and dancing, even tap dancing; how heavenly.
and, in a classroom, in a building a bit away from the rest,
we saw a movie about Sai Baba.

singing full-of-light songs and dancing, even tap dancing; how heavenly.
and, in a classroom, in a building a bit away from the rest,
we saw a movie about Sai Baba.
Labels: aman-jean, eugene grasset, Hans Christiansen, jan toorop, r buckminster fuller, sai baba, swami satchidananda, walasse ting
Youtube Maxime Le Forestier / San Francisco
( C'est une maison bleue )
Maybe you have heard it. d
"If You're Going to San Francisco"- for no good's one of the few songs that brings spontaneous tears to my eyes.
A more recent, & totally different song is "Ben Aindi Habbibi" -Mary Fahl
I just realised, looking out into the backyard, that the ancient, rotting, church-shapped bird feeder has given up the ghost & is no longer on its pole.
Time, huh?
many thanks to both of you. i had never heard of these songs, or even these artists.
isn't it interesting that the both of you sent me to a song?
d- he's lovely and his guitar struck the exact right mood for that moment in san francisco, as did the lyrics of his song. (wait! he's way too young to have been there!)
evan -- wow -- what a voice. i didn't expect that to come out of her when she made her introduction.
yes, time is odd in its own way, but isn't everything when you live below the surface?
for me, time has wrinkled my face, yes, but has also given me the freedom to not care what anybody things ... well ... most of the time. it's given me the time to spend all day doing what i want, learning, learning, learning.
no less overwhelmed by the beauty of nature, of other peoples faces, of art and design and pattern...
perhaps the feeder failed, but hasn't the garden matured?
by the way, yes, i'm aware that the "miracles" sai baba was known for have all been discredited years ago, and those proofs are all over the internet (he had marble eggs come out of his mouth!).
but his sweetness showed through that, and even today i have a librarian who she and her whole family are still followers.
I remember those days, our innocence and our youthful energy and hopes for change. I thought about the early celebrations of Earth Day when I went by the Civic Center this weekend. It was full of commercial booths, overpriced b-s while the center was blasted with today's loud noise that calls itself music. Any resemblance to a real "Earth Day" was surely accidental. The voice of the earth and those who really love her was lost in the commercial din. Thank you for reminding me of where we started. Let's hope that there are enough of us around to work for genuine change.
thank you, nancy. what a profound comment. the only thing i can say about that are that there are new young people every year with probably the same optimism. at least we now know how the loss was engineered, if we're not too late, and have developed the technology to spread that info around.
meanwhile, hell of a year for allergies, eh? me and my cat are feeling it too. you get better soon!
Le Forestier spent the summer 1971 in the Castro District of S.F in the blue house (now green!), 3841, 18th Av. The experience and the meeting with Allen Ginsberg inspired him of C'est une Maison Bleue, which is 40 years old this year.d
oh my goodness. you have got to see this !
be sure to read the text below the photo.
A nice song, some infos and here is a true story.
Maybe your eyes met...
M L F is still active artistically. And probably joinable. What a coincidence! d
>>Maybe your eyes met...
actually, i had a similar thought--i wonder if i slept with him. ;^)
It can happen (again?) anyway because he'll be there again on the 21st of June for a music festival with Joan Baez. The house will be repainted in blue for the occasion and this is not a joke.
[blogs yahoo! music La maison bleue de le forestier est...verte! 21 avril 11:42 philippe barbot c'est ma tournée!]
the lyrics of the song, rather poorly translated by google and me:
Words and Music: Maxime Le Forestier
© 1973 by Editions Coincidences
It is a blue house
Against the hill
We come on foot
We never knock
Those who live there
Have thrown away the key
We are gathered together
After years of road
And we come sit
A meal
Everyone is here
At five o'clock in the evening
When San Francisco fogs
When San Francisco lights
San Francisco
Where are you
Lizzard and Luke
& Sylvia
Wait for me
Swimming in the fog
Entwined rolling
in the grass
We hear Tom on guitar
Phil Kena up to the dark night
Another arrives
To tell us of news
On that return in a year or two
Since he is happy we fall asleep
When San Francisco gets up (repeat) ...
It is a blue house
Against the hill
We come on foot
Those who live there
Have thrown away the key
Populated with long hair
Large beds and music
Populated by light
And populated by fools
It will last
To stand.
If San Francisco collapses (bis) ...
i just realized something. he says, "populated by fools"
when i was living 2 blocks away from there, i "led" an improvisational theater workshop called "ship of fools."
d's message slipped in. that sounds like a wonderful event! i will tell you, though -- i can't think of the last time i was in san francisco -- it's been years. maybe i'll put up another map, though it may not make my excuses....
ok -- it's here.
every time i look at that fairfax street choir photo i recall how much we all were trying to look like the women in the 100 year old images i posted with the song. that was the moment, too, when art nouveau was being rediscovered/revived, so these images were everywhere. (see other posts on this topic -- look for mucha label to start)
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