the hum of bees

sasuga hana chiru ni miren wa nakari keri
when cherry blossoms
no regrets

miren naku chiru mo sakura wa sakura kana
without regret
they fall and scatter...
cherry blossoms

saving grace:
tada tanome hana wa hara-hara ano tôri
simply trust!
cherry blossoms flitting
"Blossoms" (hana) can denote cherry blossoms
in the shorthand of haiku.1
my yoshino cherry tree outside my bedroom window goes so quickly from blossoms to leaves. when it's newly fully flowered it fills so with bees that the sound of them comes in through my bedroom window, and fills the garden. and as quickly gone, on to other pollen, other trees.
a movie i just saw a bit of, cherry blossoms, says that the cherry blossom festivals, gathered in groups under the landscapes of yoshino cherry trees, are the perfect reminder to all of us of impermanence.
in the shorthand of haiku.1

Labels: Chikanobu Toyohara, David G. Lanoue, elyse ashe lord, haiku, hashiguchi goyo, issa, kiesai eisen, paul rieth
...or 100.
So quietly beautiful, all of it.d
is is words or wine you give me?
A wish and a wow. dw
Had hair, now it's gone. hair that I had was blond in the summer, brown when it was cold, now I guard against the top of my head getting sun-burned. Left knee is bone no more, but plastic & metal. My six-pack is half empty. I have 20/20 vision for distance, but need reading glasses- a touch stronger at night 'cause my eyes get tired. Like a silly old fool, I still like pretty girls, but they don't even see me. The greatest gift of time has been the recognition of my personal myths & foolishness, & that it's been a while since I've done anything truly stupid. Of course, in the spirit of impermanence, there's always tomorrow.
beautiful imagery...waiting for the blossoms that line the street in the neighborhood near mine to come into full blossom- should be another day or two.
everyone likes pretty girls
what is your wish?
Just beautiful...
thanks, that means a lot coming from you, cause you have such beautiful taste. :^)
thank you boinky, and welcome.
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