from Spring Day

and there is a smell of tulips and narcissus
in the air.

in the bath-tub in lathes and planes of greenish- white. It cleaves the water
into flaws like a jewel, and cracks it to bright light.

and their reflections wobble deliciously over the ceiling; a stir of my finger
sets them whirring, reeling. I move a foot, and the planes of light
in the water jar. I lie back and laugh, and let the green-white water,
the sun-flawed beryl water, flow over me. The day is almost
too bright to bear, the green water covers me from the too bright day.
I will lie here awhile and play with the water and the sun spots.

a whiff of tulips and narcissus in the air.
--Amy Lowell
(mathews; mucha; will source others later)
[note: somehow the images disappeared from this post completely so i put them back. now the first ones will probably come back and there'll be two. i'll come back and fix it again.]
Labels: alfonse mucha, amy lowell, lucia mathews, poetry
Lotusgreen, that Mucha floral pattern is stupendous. When you put his work side by side with similar patterns by other artists, his really shines out like a beacon. You can really tell what made him so special.
he has the power to continually surprise, somehow, no matter how often you have seen his work, it seems
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