so much is evoked by the book designs of margaret armstrong that it is inconceivable that there would ever be any style of design that would be unnatural to her hands.

here in this small selection, the pure, simple japonisme is obvious, including the imagery of poppies, dragonflies, and lotus.

but also obvious are the design forays into arts & crafts, an off-shoot of japonisme with its own particular character. the van dyke books take on this flavor.

in any case, the exuberance, the thrill with 'the line' and with ornament, the pleasure with the natural world, all make this woman--this designer's offerings still a gift today.
binding collection
american book designer
publishers' bindings online
unseen hands
flower bindings
beauty for commerce
handsome books (plus do a search for her name)Labels: bindings, bookbinding, margaret armstrong
Love all these book cover designs...
thanks karla! this is a bit of a discovery for me too. i keep finding new designers--shall i go on?
Beautiful and nice to see these! Margaret Armstrong was my grandfather's aunt so I have many photos of her as well.
how lovely lisa! i'm so glad you found it. if you have images you think might be good for me to do a post about, please let me know!
and i have one of her books!
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hi, and thanks so much for stopping by. i spend all too much time thinking my own thoughts about this stuff, so please tell me yours. i thrive on the exchange!
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