beauty is not pretty

Their bodies were and are their art, but screenwriter [of 'memoirs of a geisha'] Robin Swicord says there is an innate pain to their beauty. "All of it is a kind of interesting torture that results in this image of perfection," Swicord says. "Perfect dancing, perfect music, perfect face, perfect figure, perfect walk."
The ribcage is cinched tight with a sash, called an obi, to achieve a rail-thin look in the kimono. "It's like a bondage situation, in which your midriff is wrapped very tightly with these cords that cut into you," Swicord says. "Then the obi is very heavy and you can only sit in a certain way." But it can also help the women maintain good posture. Dalby says geisha eventually find it comfortable, "because they wear it every day. If it is loose and slips at all, it will give her a backache." (the rest is fascinating.)[T]o achieve the hour glass figure Edward VII favoured [women] dis- torted their figures into the exagger- ated S-bend shape associated with the fashions of the era.

(what the heck is face enamelling???)
Labels: degas, eishosai choki, isoda koryûsai, ito shinsui, jacques villon, kiyohiro torii, mary cassatt
A mood of temptation!
hmmmm--i must say i'm not sure i understand
I think at that time in the East, women's fingers and toes are still quite privacy,a woman trim her nails gleaned as very privacy and maybe temptation imagine.
that's fascinating. thank you so much for taking the time to explain.
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