as in roses

john, or a pink slip). A red sports car in the US might be thought of as a fun and "sexy" car, but if a middle-aged bald guy is driving it, it's seen as a pathetic display of male menopause. In most cultures, red is used to get attention. It's been a banner of revolution since the French Revolution (and probably before) and as a flag has become a symbol of populist, usually communist, revolts.

(wedding in Japanese uses white, while in Chinese is red.) 1

marriage or fertility festivals. Influenced by soldiers of the East India Company’s ‘red coats’, Indian rulers in the eighteenth century adopted scarlet English broadcloth to make their own armies more impressive. The ‘red coats’ were appropriate to the tra- ditional colour-coding of the Indian warrior classes, and the use of red serge spread from Nawab of Awadh’s 60,000 man army to those of his competitors and others. 2
• Cherokees: Success, triumph. Represents the East.
• Hebrew: Sacrifice, sin
• India: Purity
• South Africa: Color of mourning
• Russia: Bolsheviks and Communism
• Eastern: Worn by brides, happiness and prosperity
• Western: Excitement, danger, love, passion, stop, Christmas (with green), Valentine's Day
• Feng Shui: Yang, fire, good luck, money, respect, recognition, vitality
• Psychology: Stimulates brain wave activity, increases heart rate, increases blood pressure
• Roses: Love, respect - red and yellow together means
gaiety, joviality
• Stained Glass (Dante): Divine love, the Holy Spirit, courage, self-sacrifice, martyrdom. A warm, active color. 3

Red bibs, robes, scarfs, and caps are related to certain deities:
Monkey. Sannou Gongen. Expels Demons of Sickness; Deity of Fertility
Fox (Kitsune) is the
messenger of Oinari (Inari), Deity of Rice Harvest
Bindorabaradaja (J); Also called Binzuru (J). Pindola Bharadraja (Skt). Binzuru; Healer; Most Revered Arhat in Japan
Koyasu Kannon - The Child-Giving Bosatsu, Goddess of Mercy
Jizo and Koyasu Jizo - Patron of Children, Giver of Children
Daruma, Zen Patriarch, Protector Agains Illness, Bringer of Good Luck
Shishi Lion Dogs Guard the Gates to Shinto Shrines
The Nio Kings Guard the Gates to Buddhist Temples 4
Labels: Emilio Camilio, gyosui kawanaba, Kunichika Toyohara, leon bakst, theo van rhysselberghe
Although i don't really like the red, but this meaningful article and wonderful pictures still let me infatuated with it.
that's very interesting. red isn't my favorite color either, but for some reason i seemed to need to indulge in it.
on the other hand i too must admit that all of its subtle variations and their different impacts is interesting as well, i agree.
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