come spring

The first warm days of spring, give them to me,
a tepid rain, crocus poking through last year's leaves.

trees bare but for the hard buds, the few birds.

Mother of Summer,
the smell
of manure shoveled
over the potatoes,
diesel fumes

and rusty rake tines
sunk in rank earth
near the shed,
mushroom spores,

the asthmatic crank of winter-bound bikes,
cold sores,
loose ends.
Even the crows,
cold sores,
loose ends.
Even the crows,

for the shiny wings
of iridescent spring.
Let them ride
the rippled air
the farther fields,
where the weeds will grow thorny,
wild and tall.
where the weeds will grow thorny,
wild and tall.
Dorianne Laux
copyright 2008
(today is exactly forty years to the day since i moved to california. it's my anniversary. and because she has put a spell on me so that i cannot see a rabbit without thinking of her, this is for karla.)
Happiest Vernal Equinox to Each of You.
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Thank you for visiting this blog.
Labels: adams, albert, alice, bunnies, cory, dorianne laux, equinox, hoitsu sakai, hudson, julius gipkens, poetry, rabbits, seiho takeuchi, spring, theo van hoytema, wonderland
Oh this is so lovely! Thank YOU for writing this amazing blog.
you're such a gift, roxy.
(all together now): ROX ROCKS!
Happy Spring and happy anniversary!
thank you dear, i'm so glad you're here.
Apologies at being so late and sporadic. Ms. Spots and Orion give their full approval of the lapine theme and so many gorgeous rabbits and hares.
You got to California just before I did, maybe 2-3 months. And are still there. Well, I get back every so often.
it really does make me happy to know i made the bunnies happy! (and you too)
once a californian always a californian, doncha think?
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hi, and thanks so much for stopping by. i spend all too much time thinking my own thoughts about this stuff, so please tell me yours. i thrive on the exchange!
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