japonisme: a man for all seasons: 1911

05 March 2010

a man for all seasons: 1911

The Rabbit leaps
The mouse outcreeps
The flag out-peeps
 Beside the brook.

The ferret weeps
The marmot sleeps
The owlet keeps
 In his snug nook.

The apples thaw
The ravens caw
The squirrels gnaw
 The frozen fruit;

To their retreat
We track the feet
Of mice that eat
 The apples root.

The willows droop
The alders stoop
The pheasants group
 Beneath the snow.

The catkins green
Cast o'er the scene
A summer sheen
 A genial glow.

The snow dust falls
The otter crawls
The partridge calls
 Far in the wood

The traveller dreams
The tree-ice gleams
The blue jay screams
 In angry mood.

Henry David Thoreau


waga yado ya nezumi to naka no yoi hotaru

my dwelling--
mingling with the mice
pretty fireflies



I had forgotten how the frogs must sound
After a year of silence, else I think
I should not so have ventured forth alone
At dusk upon this unfrequented road.

I am waylaid by Beauty. Who will walk
Between me and the crying of the frogs?
Oh, savage Beauty, suffer me to pass,
That am a timid woman, on her way
From one house to another!

Edna St. Vincent Millay

(only one living bird!

haiku by issa, translation by David G. Lanoue from here

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Anonymous evan said...

the sound of frogs...I live near the C&O Canal tow-path. I should go there more...but I've gone enough to discover this one small spot- a pond off the trail (just) & above the river. Rocks form a semi-circle around the back of it, a big triangular stone in the center...an amphibian amphitheater- when the frogs sing, it's amplified & bounces off the stones...the effect is amazing. I love standing there, while bicyclists zoom by, oblivious to the concert being performed there in the woods.

07 March, 2010 11:19  
Blogger lotusgreen said...

ohhhh that sounds wondrous, evan. i wish i could visit. and i'm so glad you found it.

one year someone brought tadpoles to my pond and the evening choruses of the tree frogs mesmerized me. i even recorded it once or twice.

sadly, they only lasted a season or two....

07 March, 2010 11:47  

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