rock-a-bye baby, the cat's in the cupboard!

the artist is ww denslow, best known for all of his work with l frank baum, of the oz books.

we'll see more from him in future days.

i thought this was cool.
Labels: cats, children's book illustration, mother goose, ww denslow
Oh man, I really hit the jackpot with your blog. I didn't really expect anyone to stumble across mine, so everything is rough drafts... I think I'll have to read what you've got here a bit to help me develop some of my thoughts. This is a really exciting find.
i thought you might be interested--thanks for the visit!
what are the last images from?
oh dear--now i feel like an idiot.... i had his name wrong! i apologise.
it's denslow, not densmore. something went screwy between the eye and the hands...
the whole book is here, inscuding all the illustrations.
I'm thinking that the book with the cat/child image is also at one of the German university kids book databases. I photoshopped that image ages ago (not at the time knowing it was by Denslow) to put 'Metafilter' on the door. It's quite a psychological departure from the mild scenes in Oz.
pk--it very likely is--i mean, if it's on gutenberg it could be anywhere, eh?
here's the poem for the cat illustration.
with regards to the mildness question, i seem to recall that all those monkeys were pretty scary! now, admittedly i only saw the movie....
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