"Days grow longer!" scientists say.

Thanks, Chet. Yes, as all the kiddies out there know, this is the one day of the year that we use up our oil reserves -- Why? -- well, to oil the gears, of course. Yes, every year at this time this ole world has just been getting slower and slower.
Surely everybody out there has noticed the nights getting longer and longer. That's because the earth's gears are running out of lubricant! So let's all take a great big breath and, say it with me, "Spill baby spill!" as we pour that oil, and watch what happens. slowly but surely -- wait -- I believe I can already see... yes! I can feel it! the days are getting longer already! Back to you, Chet....
Surely everybody out there has noticed the nights getting longer and longer. That's because the earth's gears are running out of lubricant! So let's all take a great big breath and, say it with me, "Spill baby spill!" as we pour that oil, and watch what happens. slowly but surely -- wait -- I believe I can already see... yes! I can feel it! the days are getting longer already! Back to you, Chet....
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