dream birds

One had feathers like a blood-streaked koi,
another a tail of color-coded wires.

another a flicker with a wounded head.

bright, circulating in burning air,
and all returned when the air cleared.

deep in the ground, miles from water.

Some had names and some didn’t.
Named and nameless shapes of birds,
at night my hand can touch your feathers

you who have made bright things from shadows,
you who have crossed the distances to roost in me.
Michael Collier

(this image on the right is from this blog, which frequently displays wonderful portuguese and/or spanish japonisme images from magazines and books. additionally, he has documented with word and image the "portuguese lafcadio hearn.")
Labels: charles martin, Collier, elizabeth norton, georges barbier, hiroshige I, isoda koryûsai, ito sozan, kiyokata kaburagi, leonetto cappiello, poetry, sachs, shoun yamamoto, sugakudo nakayama, utagawa toyokuni
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