many of you know that this has been bothering me for a long time. i have been extremely reluctant to point a direct finger, but i feel i must do it. i had a new post all ready to go, pictures uploaded, but i am just too angry to go on.
the parasite, as parasites do, finds images on my blog, then after a bit, sometimes only one or two days, posts it on her blog. a few examples above.
i seems that since i asked her to please not lift images directly from my blog without crediting them, she finds it on my blog then, i assume, finds the image and posts it on her blog. not once has she said 'via' my blog, nor credited learning about something, nor being inspired by my blog. nothing.
she has visited my blog 16 times in the last 20 days. i never counted up before, but i've found her visits about that frequently all along. for a while there, she was spending hours every night. still no credits -- and not one single comment on my blog either.
though she's featured identical 'comparisons' as i have, always
after i have, and even run poems after i've run them, her commentary i think frequently is her own. i'm sorry -- that tempers my anger only very very slightly.
ask her about this and i'll bet she'll lie. i've seen her do it. (gotta say, though: i stopped going there because of my blood pressure, so i haven't read much. but sometimes something comes up on a search....)
what came up today is arthur wesley dow. in the middle of my series on dow, she, having visited every day this week, does a post on dow. this is not a coincidence. this is a