JAPANESE CHILDREN are accustomed to lots or toys. They have their games and nursery rhymes galore. Their "Mother Goose" is centuries older than ours; in fact, it is said that Japanese mothers used to recite its jingles long before Columbus discovered America.
(new york times 1908)
どんぐり ころころ どんぶりこ!
おいけに はまって さあ たいへん!
どじょうが でてきて "こんにちは!"
"ぼっちゃん, いっしょに あそびましょ!"

Acorn bowl is small and round thing rolling!
Now you go out into the most!
Loach have been in the "Hello!"
"Son, ASOBIMASHO together!"

も~もたろさん, ももたろさん
おこしに つけた きびだんご
ひとつ わたしに くださいな
あ~げましょう, あげましょう
これから ぼくと おにたいじ
ついて~ くるなら あげましょう

- MOTARO also said, she MOMOTARO
One is to me, please
Fetus in the future and I
If you happen to come about --

あめ あめ ふれ ふれ かあさんが~
蛇の目(じぁのめ) で お迎え (おむかえ) うれしいな ~
ピッチ ピッチ! チャップ チャップ! ラン ラン ラン!
Bandy bandy candy from a candy KAASAN
Bull's-eye (ANOME time) to pick up (meeting) is pleased to
Pitch Pitch! Chap chap! Run Run Run!

むすんで ひらいて
手をうって むすんで
また ひらいて 手をうって
むすんで ひらいて
手をうって むすんで
また ひらいて 手をうって
むすんで ひらいて
手をうって むすんで

MUSUN to come flying in
MUSUN hand in the fire
The thick hands that come flying
On their hands
MUSUN to come flying in
MUSUN hand in the fire
The thick hands that come flying
I get to the bottom
MUSUN to come flying in
MUSUN hand in the fire
forgive me forgive methe translations are google'sthey're senseless indeed --please help if you can!but no more senselessthan the english oneswith meanings lost in their births.but for you, dear reader, they're giftsi hope you enjoy them.the whole book, a volland, of course,is here. much more on the japanese rhymes are here.
drawings were in children's books: the rhymes belong to each culture alone, but the earliest japonisme -- greenaway, caldecott, and crane were far earlier than richardson, but the tradition is clear.Labels: children's book illustration, EULALIE OSGOOD GROVER, FREDERICK RICHARDSON, volland