dolls & butterfly

Labels: paul leni, victor mignot
Labels: paul leni, victor mignot
Labels: blanche mcmanus, frank lloyd wright, hiroshige ando, kikugawa eizan, leon bakst, poetry, walter j phillips
Labels: edward steichen, frances gearhart, hiroshi yoshida, konobu hasegawa, paul poiret, photography, walter leistikow, william rice
For contemporary influences, the imagists studied the French symbolists, who were experimenting with free verse (vers libre), a verse form that used a cadence that mimicked natural speech rather than the accustomed rhythm of metrical feet, or lines.
Rules of rhyming were also considered nonessential.
The ancient form of Japanese haiku poetry influenced the imagists to focus on one simple image.
Greek and Roman classical poetry inspired some of the imagists to strive for a high quality of writing that would endure.
T. E. Hulme is credited with creating the philosophy that would give birth to the Imagism movement.
Although he wrote very little, his ideas inspired Ezra Pound to organize the new movement. Pound’s “In a Station of the Metro” is often given as one of the purest of his imagist poems.
Amy Lowell took over the leadership role of the imagists when Pound moved on to other modernist modes.
Her most anthologized poems include “Lilacs” and “Patterns.”
Other important imagist poets include Hilda Doolittle, whose poem “Sea Poppies” reflects the Japanese influence on her writing, and her “Oread” is often referred to as the most perfect imagist poem. 1
Labels: ferdinand hodler, hiroshige ando, ivan bilibin, james hamilton hay, josef stoitzner
These artists' associations were intended to challenge the prevailing conservative and historicizing tendencies of many Vienna artists and exhibitions.
Participants also strived to encourage among the public a heightened sensitivity to, and appreciation for, culture and the arts in everyday life.
The line be- tween fine and ap- plied arts be- came blurred, and the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk, or unified work of art, was introduced. This resulted in a full range of objects and furnishings being designed for specific interiors to create a unified, harmonious ensemble.
The founding group of young artists who formed the Secession included the architect Josef Hoffmann, the painter Koloman Moser, and the painter Gustav Klimt, who was elected president.
Workshops for painters, cabinetmakers, gold and silversmiths, jewelry makers, leather workers and bronze founders thrived during this era. Wiener Werkstätte fabrics were designed by a multitude of talented designers and were then produced on an industrial basis.
Labels: arthur wesley dow, Eishi Hosoda, fashion, felice rix, hinagata, josef hoffmann, maria likarz, tekagami, textiles, wiener werkstatte