Seven white butterflies
delicate in a hurry look
how they bang the pages
of their wings as they flyto the fields of mustard yellow
and orange and plain
gold all eternity
is in the moment this is whatBlake said Whitman said such
wisdom in the agitated
motions of the mind seven
dancers floatingeven as worms toward
paradise see how they banter
and riot and rise
to the trees flutterlob their white bodies into
the invisible wind weightless
lacy willing
to deliver themselves untothe universe now each settles
down on a yellow thumb on a
brassy stem now
all seven are rapidly sippingfrom the golden towers who
would have though it could be so easy?Copyright © 1997 by Mary Oliver

Labels: Chikanobu Toyohara, Eisen Ikeda, galle, kageyama, mary oliver, Maurice Verneuil, odilon redon, poetry