the way of the world

Trawo, trawo do kolan!
Podnieś mi się do czoła,
Żeby myślom nie było
Ani mnie, ani pola.
Żebym ja się uzielił,
Przekwiecił do rdzenia kości
I już się nie oddzielił
Słowami od twej świeżości.
Abym tobie i sobie
Jednym imieniem mówił:
Albo obojgu - trawa,
Albo obojgu - tuwim
Julian Tuwim

Grass, grass up to my knees!
Grow up to the sky
So that there won't seem to be
Any you or I
So that I will turn all green
And blossom to my bones,
So that my words won't come between
Your freshness and my own.

There will be one name:
Either for both of us - grass,
Or both both of us - tuwim.
Julian Tuwim
Translated by Lawrence Davis
as with every other culture we've looked at, poland had its own 'versions' of japonisme, with its own names for it. for the poets, they were called the skamander poets after a magazine of that name that they started.

lusionment with bour- geoisie, its ways of life and its culture. Artists fol- lowing this concept also believed in decadence, end of all culture, conflict between humans and their civilisation and the concept of art as the highest value (art for art's sake).'

(see another view of irina)
Labels: Julian Tuwim, Leon Wyczółkowski, Młoda Polska, poland, young poland