the actual clothes: photos that tell the tale

Labels: alla nazimova, coco chanel, fashion, iida takashima, liberty co, paul poiret, vitaldi babani
Labels: alla nazimova, coco chanel, fashion, iida takashima, liberty co, paul poiret, vitaldi babani
it was crane's observation that since the time when east-west trade began in the mid-19th century, it had exerted an enormous influence on the arts of europe. this was because, in his view, life in japan had still been akin to life in europe during medieval times and was thus a country where artists and craftsmen marvelously trained for many kinds of decorative work, and who took part of a bold and unconstrained naturalism. europeans found a living art, an art of the people, in which tradition and artistic talent had remained untainted, and whose work was beautiful, diverse, and with tremendous connection to and communicative of nature. it was not surprising that this art effected western artists as strongly as it did, and that its effects were so profound.
Labels: children's book illustration, hokusai, walter crane
Labels: cats, children's book illustration, mother goose, ww denslow
The title of the series is on a narrow yellow panel in the top right-hand corner, and the sub-title of the illustration on a red panel in the opposite corner, on each plate. Publisher, Sanoki ; below Hiroshige's signature is a red chrysan- themum seal, a device which has not hitherto been noted on any Hiroshige print; and two censors' seals, which place the date of the series about 1846, during the Prohibi- tion period. Very rare.
1. Sub-title : Katsuragawa Renri-no-Shigarami (the name of the drama), which concerns two lovers, Choyemon, a man forty years old, and O Han, aged fourteen, who, despairing of obtaining their parents' permission to marry, resolve to commit suicide together.
Choyemon is here shown carrying his youthful love on his back, to die together in the waters of the Katsura River, a full moon the only witness of their tragic end. One of the best plates in the series of those known.
The subject of shinju, or double suicide, was first drama- tized in 1703 by the playwright Chikamatsu Monzayemon, in a play called Sonezaki Shinju. Such dramas were called Shinju-mono, and became exceedingly popular, owing to the beautiful language in which Monzayemon described these tragedies, both with the public and other contemporary dramatists, and it is said their influence was such that the numbers of cases of double suicide increased to an alarming extent.
Labels: blanche mcmanus, children's book illustration, edmund dulac, heinrich lefler, illustration
Labels: blanche mcmanus, charles tomlinson, habert-dys, hiroshige ando, hokusai, nakamura hochu, ohara koson, theo van hoytema
Labels: detective, edmund dulac, hiroshige ando, kiesai eisen, van gogh